|  Business Member Paid   |  Goal Mapping Lesson 1

Goal Mapping Lesson 1

Please watch the video and then answer the questions below.



Q 1: How do you define success? 

Q 2: What is success for you? 

Q 3: If you do, How do you celebrate small success and achievements of the day? 

If you dont, decide right now, how you will start celebrate your success. You homework will be to start doing that every day until next week. 

Q 4: Which goal(s) have you adobted from others; Parents, friends or relatives? 

Q 5: In which extend do you think you succeeded in achieveing these goals? 


Please share your answers with your accountibility partner. If you have not been assigned one, please send us a messange on

[email protected]. And we will help you as soon as we can.

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